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    If caught early, gum disease is something a patient can manage themselves with proper hygiene and management of their diet. However, it is not always easy for patients to maintain their oral health at home nor is access to dental care always guaranteed. Once gum disease has progressed, we can’t expect at-home care alone to be enough, nor can we expect normal hygiene appointments to solve the problem. As clinicians, it is important that we consider adjunctive treatments that can be added to our normal routine that will put our patients in their best state of dental health.

    • Effects of Locally Delivered Minocycline Microspheres in Postmenopausal Female Patients with Periodontitis: A Clinical and Microbiological Study

      Diagnostics (Basel) 2022, G Laza et al

    Much like with the rest of our body, hormones can also wreak havoc on our oral health. Periodontal issues already plague our older generations, but the added weight of menopausal hormones can increase the chances of developing other conditions affecting your oral health. Due to the low hormonal concentrations associated with the postmenopausal period, there is also a chance of periodontitis worsening. The following article studies the effects of using Arestin minocycline microspheres along with scaling and root planing on postmenopausal female patients to determine the benefits after just 3 months.

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